by thsquared2 | Feb 7, 2020 | Uncategorized
Backing up is a mantra you’ll hear in many an IT support service across Orange County and San Diego. Whatever your business, ensuring your data is regularly saved and stored securely could mean the difference between success and failure and your IT support service can...
by thsquared2 | Jan 21, 2020 | Online Security Threat
Most businesses that have been around for any length of time will be aware that the next online security threat is just around the corner. Encryption has long been the byword of IT security teams and making sure your business has a SSL certificate is one way to...
by thsquared2 | Jan 10, 2020 | Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity has evolved significantly over the last two decades. Where it was often enough just to have the right virus software on your work computers, today’s complex online world requires a mix of legal, business and technical measures to ensure you business...
by thsquared2 | Jan 3, 2020 | Mobile Security
With most of us nowadays carrying at least one mobile device around with us, maintaining mobile security online has never been more important. If your business uses a range of smartphones, laptops and tablets, these essential mobile security steps should help keep...
by thsquared2 | Jan 2, 2020 | it support have been providing IT support for a range of businesses across the Orange County and San Diego areas for some years now. Many organizations and businesses obviously benefit from outsourcing this kind of support today, helping as it does not only to...