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More and more schools are operating BYOD and one to one mobile device policies. Not only does it save on costs for the institution itself, it can deliver greater flexibility and opportunity for teaching and learning. 

The challenge, however, is that all these devices add to the IT security and management challenges faced by the school in order to keep staff and pupils safe online. 

The Benefits of Mobile Device Management Services

Mobile device management services are designed to ensure that technology like smartphones, laptops and tablets which are connected to the school network are safe and functional. The increasing number of devices involved means there is an increased risk of vulnerability. 

Connecting your systems to the cloud can help ameliorate this without the need for more internal IT security systems, which is why many schools are now moving to cloud-based services. 

How to Build Better Mobile Device Management 

There a number of factors that you need to consider when setting up a mobile device management service. The first and foremost is understanding what your requirements are and what sort of devices are being used for education. 

Organizing onsite MDM can be a hugely complex process and does have its limitations. On the other hand, it also gives your school the opportunity to properly tailor provision for staff and students. Cloud-based services are easier to manage and require less training when someone new needs to access the system. 

The ease of use is an extremely important factor for schools. With so many people using any service like this, training can be prohibitive and constraining. Even when choosing a cloud-based platform, it’s important to pick one you feel has the support and ease of use that you are looking for while still maintaining a high level of security. 

Finally, one other issue is how your current school systems are able to integrate with your new mobile device management services. If integration is not possible, it can present huge problems in replacing systems and introducing new approaches.