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For all businesses nowadays, protecting data and ensuring online safety is important. A breach will not only damage hard-earned reputations it also has a pretty significant financial cost. 

With so much to think about when it comes to online threats, which are the best IT security services to opt for? 

Here, we take a closer look at the basic cybersecurity building blocks which should make your company a safe place to do business with. 

1. Regular Vulnerability Assessments

You can’t do something about a problem if you don’t know what it is. Most businesses don’t have the capacity to understand the full threat level when it comes to cybersecurity, even if they have an IT expert onboard. Regular vulnerability assessments of your company’s IT infrastructure means you should be in a position to set the pace rather than play continuous catch-up. 

2. Ready to Respond

It’s not if a cyberattack happens, it’s when. That should be your mantra and you should be prepared as much as possible. Your business needs to have an incident response plan in place in case you are breached. It’s essential that everyone knows what to do and it also helps to simulate and practice so that your team is able to spring into action and mitigate risk and damage if a breach occurs. 

3. Managing Your Intrusion Prevention

A business operating online is subject to potential attack almost constantly. The key here is having an intrusion prevention and detection system that isn’t simply an off-the-shelf solution but one that is tailored to meet your business needs and challenges. Working with IT security services that understand your sector is important. 

4. Supporting Remote Access

Does you business use remote workers? Are staff accessing data while away from the office, perhaps on sales calls? Remote access has really benefited businesses of all types but it comes with added security risks. You need to have IT security services in place that are able to provide solutions and protect vulnerable areas in your business including cloud computing. 

5. Covering the Cybersecurity Basics

Often termed endpoint protection, you need to make sure your cybersecurity measures include all the basic checks and balances such as firewalls, data loss protection, encryption, anti-virus and patch management. These are all equally important and they need to be applied across the board.