949.235.8742 helpdesk@th2tech.com

Help Desk Service

Your business IT Support

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At TH2 Technologies we understand that when you choose to outsource business IT support, it is extremely important that you have access to helpdesk assistance as and when you need it. As a leading provider of help desk IT services, we pride ourselves on being available to our clients, answering the phone with a live person as frequently as possible.

How do we fulfill this commitment to providing a first-class help desk service? We start by ensuring that when a call comes in through our IT help desk support line, it rings all our technical engineers’ phones at once. This allows the first available person to take the call and deal with your business IT support query.

If for some reason we are unable to answer the phone and deal with your helpdesk enquiry straight away, just leave a message and someone from our help desk IT team will return your call right away. If we know the help desk service office is going to be empty for any reason, we will forward the IT help desk support line directly to our cell phones to help you with your inquiry.

If, on the other hand, you would prefer to raise your business IT support query by email, you can drop us a line at helpdesk@th2tech.com. Any email sent to this address auto creates a ticket in our remote help desk ticketing system.

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