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A growing number of businesses in both Orange County and the wider national economy are outsourcing their IT support functions in order to improve services and guarantee a high-performance network. Here, we take a look at four reasons they’re doing so.

  1. Reduce staffing costs

If you’re looking to hire an IT Manager, you can expect to spend a considerable amount covering their annual salary. Utilizing an IT outsourcing firm is almost always more cost-effective and provides your business with the opportunity to reduce expenditure.

  1. Get the technical expertise you need

One of the key reasons businesses outsource certain services is that they lack the in-house expertise required to run them well. This is particularly true of the IT sector – a fast-paced and ever-evolving industry that stands still for no one.

  1. Increase staff productivity

In smaller businesses, it’s common for management to delegate responsibility for IT support to the employee who is perceived to have the most IT knowledge and technical ability. More often than not, this member of staff will also have to fulfill their existing role as well. By taking the burden of IT management off this employee and passing it on to an outsourcing firm, businesses not only improve the performance and productivity of the employee, but they also improve the quality of IT support. It’s win-win.

  1. Focus on prevention, not cure

Many companies organize their IT support in a way that emphasizes a cure-based approach. By this, we mean that companies wait until something is broken and then attempt to fix it. An efficient IT outsourcing company takes a preventative approach. Rather than waiting for something to go wrong, they’re constantly working to maintain the network and ensure that it’s functioning to its full potential.

With centers in San Diego and Orange County, we at TH2tech work hard to provide businesses with the highest standard of IT support possible. If you feel as though your organization could benefit from improved IT network management, get in touch and talk to one of our experienced technicians today.